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Thursday, December 14, 2006

One Of The MOST Amazing Places To Go Backpack

Hey guys,

Last year I was in the USA and travelled around the great state of California (Wooohoooo!) One of my stops was in Yosemite National Park.

This was one of the most SPECTACULAR locations, not just for hiking and backpacking, but just to visit in general. I have seen some amazing places and a number of beautiful national park... living in Australia we have plenty of those. But Yosemite had a feel to it that I have never experienced before.

The cliff faces that just went straight up. Straight up into the heavens, it seemed like. I tried to take photos but the camera lense just wasnt big enough! Dont you hate that? When your camera just doesnt capture the moment. You have to be there to see the surroundings, feel the grandure of the mountains, hear the sound of the water falls, smell the crisp fresh air, and taste the antisipation as you hike to the top of a mountain. Well you dont have to go to the top of a mountain, there are plenty of flat trails. And once you get to the top, you just sit there and take it all in.

This is one loaction I recommend every hiker, walker, backpacker, mountain climber or anybody else who enjoys nature should experience once in their life.

Happy Backpacking,


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