Learn all you need to have INCREDIBLE backpacking trips. Equipment, food, camping,a tent,new adventure, products, locations, gear or just a good time, we have a resource that will give you the info and advice you need.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Let Get Started Backpacking!

New And Experienced Backpackers: Welcome!

We at Secrets Of Backpacking have begun this blog for two reasons.

Firstly, to give YOU the knowledge, equipment and guidance needed to go on the backpacking trip of a lifetime! Make no mistake about it, this site is dedicated first and formost to YOU, the person who wants to learn about this amazing hobby and sport.

We provide a simple, easy to follow, straight down the line account of what this whole backpacking thing is all about. There will be posts on everything from recipes, to equipment, to locations and news updates which impact you. We want to make it as smooth and pleasant as possible for you to start and continue with this hobby of a lifetime.

Secondly, we hope to show and tell you how our e-book "A Beginners Guide To Backpacking" is chocka block full of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you need to realize your backpacking dreams....guaranteed!. We will guide you step by step through preparing for a backpacking or hiking trip, it takes you by the hand and shows you how to have a fun, safe backpacking trips, it prepares you for any possible situation that may arise while you are out backpacking - and all of this is guaranteed!

Here it is again: A Beginners Guide To Backpacking

And now read on for some more value content...

Take Care and Safe Trips,
